
Sunday 5 June 2016

Sweetcorn Sprouts and Cucumbers

The weather has done a full 180 and this Sunday 24th June 2016, it's sunny and very warm 24 degrees C. The car was loaded up with the plants and I was out of the door by 7:30 and on the site with all the plants and equipment on the plot by 8:00 and set about working straight away.

The foxes who had been clambering all over the portable hoop fames as they were covered on muddy paw prints, had finally managed to bust the smaller one. I've seen them on other peoples plots using the hoop frames as trampolines.  

I took the strimmer to exhaust the battery and see how much more I could strim which was mainly the entrance and the path to the water butt. Beautiful my robin kept me company whilst I cleared beds 11 and 12 and prepped them for the sweetcorn.

Many slugs were dispatched to sluggy heaven and I wished I had brought a lid with breathing holes for one of the food storage buckets then I could have had a go at created my own DIY Nematodes

Below is a video of the progress made during the day on plot 1A and 23B

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