
Thursday 5 May 2016

Sowing Sweet Corn

For the last three years I have been growing Lark Sweet Corn, last year the Lark took so long to germinate that I sowed some Swift as I could not get hold of Lark and they germinated before the Lark and I ended up with two beds of Sweet Corn which pleased Kelly as she is a Sweet Corn addict and according to her the ones I grow are all hers we are just lucky she shares them with us.

So two cat litter trays with 15 flexi pots in each are now sitting in the greenhouse, as soon as I pop down to the allotment and pick up another cat litter tray there will be 15 more making 45 in total and I need two beds of 18 so 36 so that should be enough for a few dud seeds and a couple of spares in case the foxes wipe a few out like last year.

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