
Monday 30 May 2016

Bank Holiday in the Garden

The majority of Monday which was overcast but dry was spent taking the final bits and bobs from the garden like the small bistro table and two chairs down to plot 23B whilst there I managed to put together another raised bed, well it was only 12 screws and they were already in the long sides, I have to feel like I have achieved something if I visit.

Grass cuttings and flower cuttings from Saturday were put in Dalek 1 with a layer of well rotted compost and sawdust then a sprinkle of coffee grounds added and it was dampened down with a couple of watering can's of water. (I will be so happy when the watering system is in place)

On the way back home I popped into plot 1A to add slug traps in the Runner Bean bed, luckily only one leaf had been got at but I added four pop bottle traps one each end of the trench facing in and two in the middle facing out.

I had taken the battery strimmer with me and made short work of the 600mm high grass and weed that were overtaking the path in front of plot 1 and between my plot and plot 2. I must say I'm really happy with how long the battery strimmer lasts, I have knocked it back a fair way but will charge it and have another go next dry visit to keep it under check.

The rest of the day was spend fixing the gravel boards to the fence on the right hand side of the garden and then clearing and cleaning the cold frame that was temporarily located behind the BBQ.

It received a coat of preservative inside and out, and whilst it dried, the contents were de-slugged, cleaned and ultimately it has made it's way back to the left of the space saver greenhouse where it remains cooler due to the shade afforded by the apple trees and the Agapanthus in the left of the photo. 

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