
Monday 23 May 2016

Bean Frame Maintenance & Compost

A quick visit to the allotment to drop off some kitchen waste to the Dalek and to fix the runner bean frame hanging basket bracket which pulled out a fitting last year. I also weeded the Japanese onion bed and planted some substitutes from the greenhouse into the locations where the slugs and snails had mullered them.

In the greenhouse I topped up three trays of tomatoes in vending machine cups to the brim or to the underside of the lower branches. I potted up six Burpless Cucumbers from the pop bottle propagator to square pots and planted another six Burpless Cucumbers into the Pop Bottle Propagator.

The Marketmore cucumbers have still not germinated and I prefer the Burpless. I will try the Marketmore again but from a younger seed packet.

I went to B&Q as I saw on the Grow Your Own Grapevine forum that they had two 50 Litre sacks of Verve Multipurpose compost for a £5 and the offer run out tonight. Those size sacks are so much easier to lift than the 125 Litre sacks, which IMHO in the interest of peoples backs, possible hernias’ and the manual handling regulations should be banned as more often than not there aren’t two of you to lift them both ends of the journey.

I bought four sacks for the tomatoes in flower buckets that are going to be grown in the back garden.   

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