
Monday 11 April 2016

Plot 1A Extended Lunch Break

An extended lunch break and I managed to get Beds 1 to 3 cleared of the hoops and in Bed 1 the over wintered cabbages that had gone to seed, and weeded including the bind weed and couch grass that had stated to re invade bed 1
The beds have been dressed with some fertilised and coffee grounds, and the 27 hole weed membrane sheet made Sunday afternoon is now on Bed 3. I need to work out if I can use the usual 18 hole potato sheets of if I need to create another 27 hole version to accommodate all the potatoes this year. 
Two sacks of weeds came away with me and at the moment all the cabbage and sprout membrane is in the greenhouse. The over wintering Japanese Onions are doing really well in their bed and the greenhouse. One tray is now under the extension to the shed to harden off, so I can replace the onions in the bed that have been nobbled by the slug. A load of slugs got dispatched to sluggy heaven today.

The Parsnip left to bolt for seed at the end of bed 9 are doing well, I have moved the cloche off to protect the smaller snips on the right of the photo. 

At least I know the seeds from these parsnips have a history of growth on my allotment as the originals came from Edita on plot 7 

The Overwintered cabbages in Bed 16 are doing well, there are a few weeds to deal with in the bed but I will take care of them next visit.

The Daffodils in the Comfrey bed are gone but there is a small splash of colour provided by the bluebells, at the moment still no sign of comfrey

1 comment:

  1. I always worry about them in the greenhouse and cold frame but generally the nets go on as soon as they are in the ground regardless if I have not seen a cabbage white around.
