
Saturday 2 April 2016

Daffs in Comfrey Bed 1

The Narcissus Tete-a-Tete that I bought from the Benhill-Crescent Horticultural Society Trading Hut for the house over Easter were looking a little sad.

I had also managed to cut the grass again and had a sack of grass cuttings and some kitchen waste and pop bottle slug traps so decided that a swift morning visit to plot 23B before a work related site inspection in the afternoon was in order.

I fed Dalek 1 which already is about a third full, and planted the Narcissus around the locations where the comfrey is going to be planted, which I marked with timber pegs for the moment. I have enough Narcissus to do the same once Comfrey bed 2 has been created. 

Once the Comfrey on Plot 1A appears I shall take some root cuttings as start them off in loo rolls in the greenhouse then they will be transplanted into the Comfrey Beds 1 & 2 on plot 23B

I had backed the car down the path and parked behind the shed and I was about to leave when the plot holders next door who bring mentally & physically challenged youths to do some gardening arrived in the van with sacks of compost to top up their raised beds so I decided to start laying out the paving slabs down the allotment as I could not leave until they had unloaded. 

Each trip obviously got longer as the path extended and the chap next door had a sack barrow and took pity on me and helped me move the last 6 slabs that are way in the distance in the photograph. 

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