
Sunday 29 November 2015

Rain Stops Play

For me it was a late start, I didn't get to Plot 1A until around 9 ish, Kitchen scraps and flowers topped up Dalek 3 and leafs from the front garden in Dalek 2.

I had a tidy in the greenhouse and potted up the Japanese Onions from the small 20mmx20mm nursery modules into larger 75mm pots. so I now have two shelves full of onions.

There were four milk bottles full of sand that had become brittle and cracked because they are biodegradable and go brittle in the sun. I managed to decant the sand from two into new milk bottles but the others were too damp so the sand is on metal tray to hopefully dry out in the greenhouse if we get a couple of sunny days, I will then fill up some new milk bottles, one thing I have found is that you can never have to many soft bricks knocking around an allotment, and now I have two allotments I'm also using washing liquid and powder plastic containers filled with stones and debris. 

There now being room in the greenhouse some of the timber battens were put in to keep dry so I can cut and paint ready to build a base to a couple of mobile hoop frames for plot 23B. I will also be cutting some up and painting to use at the corners of the raised beds to fix the decking boards together.

I had planned to harvest some more parsnips today, but the rain came and stopped play and I retired gracefully and came home.

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