
Sunday 6 September 2015

Sweetcorn, Beetroot & Butternut Sqaush Harvest

It's been getting very cold with temperatures down in single figures the last few days and it's been raining on and off all week and I have not really been able to get down to the allotment to do anything.

Sunday morning and it's sunny and dry so a visit to plot 1A to harvest sweetcorn, beetroot, cucumbers the horizontal one measures 17", tomatoes and a butternut squash.

In just over a week the grapes are turning from green to purple which is quite amazing seeing as they were supposed to be white!  

My Brother in law has not picked up a key for the new allotment so I went with them to let them in and to get on with some more clearing for 23B. I managed to clear the path down the centre to just before the shed and pulled a lot of bind weed up.

I'm really very impressed with the quality if the soil it's dark and rich but contains quite a lot of stones. The allotment was originally a water cress bed and I'm informed that at just over a spade depth it's all stone. I'm a little worried about the amount of comfrey coming up on the neighbours plot and I may de-flower the plants as I don't believe them to be the brocking 14 variety.

Keith used his bush cutter to clear the path at the rear of my plot and I intend to sort out the back and put in the comfrey beds as my plan as soon as I can. I may also woodchip behind my section of the access path for ease of maintenance in the future.

Keith and I met our neighbour who came down with his wife and children and he is delighted that both plots have been taken by people who are serious about keeping on top of them.

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