
Sunday 9 August 2015

Compost, Potatoes and Parsnips

Took compost to the allotment and topped up Daleks 1 & 4 to the top again and increased the volume of Dalek3
Cleared the weeds from the Carrot and Parsnip Bed 9 and pulled a parsnip just to see how it was doing and if it's worth thinning yet. Got the length of root but they need to thicken up a little (OK a lot) yet.

Cleared the bread basket bottoms and the blow away frame from bed 10 Sweetcorn and Crimson Crush tomatoes
Dug up all the potatoes from bed 12 - left open to the elements for the moment as I need to sort out the raised timber framing to the bed, then it's going to get some green manure.

Cleared the weeds from bed 16 and sowed a few more rows of beetroot in Bed 15 if they come up all well and good and if not what have I lost apart from seeds  :nowink:

Harvested 3 apples off my two year old tree, found a few red baron onions I missed and came away with more Runner and French Beans.

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