
Wednesday 25 March 2015

Two Sacks of Coffee and Comfrey

not one sack of coffee, but two! Both well filled sacks of coffee from the coffee shop, My sister did me proud, turns out she gave the staff in there a box of celebrations to share as a thank you for letting her have the coffee for me, after the last sack.

I think that I’m in for a sack every 2 – 3 weeks, and I can use that amount easily just priming the compost once the season and regular grass cutting in the back garden starts to happen. I will have to reward the staff with the occasional box to share. As they say there is no taste in nothing, and it's nice to say thank you 

I may even suggest that I cut my sisters grass as a thank you to her, and for composting material for me  :ohmy:  Yes there is a method in my madness  :nowink:

Having only one and a half bins empty, I will need to empty Dalek 1 into the Bean trench’s and I’m guessing what remains in Dalek 3 will go into the raised Bed 13 once I get the timbers installed, as I don’t have any more sacks of manure or enough flower buckets of spent compost.

There is frost on the cars and roofs this morning and it was 0.4C in the greenhouse at around 6:3 , so I will hold back on sowing the tomatoes until the 2nd week of April.  Day time temperatures are good especially when it’s sunny and I have to open the space saver door or cook my brassicas and other hardy plants, but those night time temperatures. at 7:23 its already 1.7C - I love having the wireless thermometer up next to my monitor, so I can keep an eye on the temperature and open the greenhouse door as it starts getting too warm for my seedlings. 

So busy day work wise with a schedule of conditions for a Party Wall Award job that’s a repeat job because the guy never built his extension 3 years ago. But somehow I need to get to the allotment at some time during the day as I need to clear the sacks of coffee off the back seat of the car. 

When I dropped off the coffee - I filled trays for drying and two flower buckets and still have quite a lot in the first sack. The other sack is in the greenhouse with the top open and I'm hoping it will dry off at least on the surface when we get some sun.

I noticed that the comfrey is breaking the soil, so now the race is on. Will the bluebells flower before they are overshadowed by the comfrey?

I must weed that bed as there are a few weed and nettles also growing. The other plan is to take comfrey root cuttings and plant them along the entrance against the wall where all the weeds grow, as an additional resource for all the plot holders and a useful alternative to the weeds.

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