
Tuesday 31 March 2015

Potatoes in Buckets

A little chilly and windy but in the morning the sun was out so a visit was in order and I managed to get all the earlies planted into the large potato buckets I purchased last year. I mixed equal amounts Verve compost and Coco compost with a dash of potato fertilise.

I planted two potatoes near the bottom of the bucket in line with the handles and another two about half way up the bucket at 90 degrees to the first two, following what a lot of the growers on YouTube are trying this year.

The buckets have gone into the extension to the shed and a sheet of polycarbonate sheeting has been placed in front as frost protection.

The Comfrey is really moving now it will not be long and they will all be showing

I also managed to get a couple of solar tents and a glass secondary glazing panel installed on bed 14 to warm up the soil.

Saw John on his lunch time visit and some little darlings have been throwing bricks at his greenhouse, he covered it with plastic and the little beggars came back and broke some more. I'm glad I'm as far away from the new construction site as I am, but I wonder how long before they come over the fence? 

A couple of business phone calls on the plot and lunch then I managed to get one weed membrane sheet melted to size with the 18 planting holes formed just before the rain came and stopped play. So two more sheets to make before I can get the rest of the potatoes in.

Busy week this week so I'm unlikely to get anymore free day time to get the other sheets made, But I need to get those potatoes in the ground soon.

1 comment:

  1. Mixing coco peat for for composting can enhance soil performance better.
