
Friday 13 March 2015

Friday 13th Lucky For Some ;0)

A visit to take a half sack of grass cuttings and some shredded paper and a large sack of coffee grounds thanks to the local coffee shop to the allotment. The coffee ground that were in the greenhouse in metal trays had dried out nicely and were decanted into my plastic storage bin. I layered green and brown including some of last years compost into Dalek 4 and watered each layer I'm now up to the vertical slots on the bin.

Suddenly I could hear someone calling, it was from the skip company that have hired the yard behind the allotment. I walked over and the guy asked me if I wanted the claw he had just extracted from the skip and thought it was too good to put on the scrap metal pile. Just like Churchill I said "Oh Yesss" and after chatting with him it turned out he lives in a flat and has just got an allotment himself but so far has no seeds, so I popped to the shed and got him some Scarlet Emperor runners beans from last year. I like a little bit of fair exchange and no robbery.     

Back to the coffee grounds and the trays were loaded with fresh damp grounds and placed on the staging in the greenhouse to dry out. It's only to stop it going green and developing a layer of mould. I still have half a sack to dry, and I'm hoping with the sun we have been having that I can dry the next batch Sunday.
I got some very smelly soap to grate and put on the paths to try and discourage the foxes, but it appears mouse has been in the shed again and thinks it Cheese! you can see the claw and bite marks, I recall my mouth being washed out when swearing as a kid, I don't envy that mouse.

The daffs and blue bells are coming up in the comfrey bed and hopefully I will get some spring colour before the Jurassic comfrey takes the bed over.  

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