
Friday 16 January 2015

High Wind Checkup & Quadcopter Arrives

A trip to the allotment to see if the Perspex was still in the greenhouse after the high winds last night. As is suspected the panel next to the door was hanging on by the skin of it's teeth. I was going to drill some holes and screw it but in the end decided to use some silicon to hold the restraining strip in place so that it does not fall out and it still locks the panel in place.

A visit in the next couple of days to silicon the inside and we should be good, the door opens so easily now, I somehow miss the noise it used to make.

Various other bits and bobs had been taken by the wind and a couple of beds were partially uncovered so I fixed those problems and came home.

Quad copter arrived today, but I'm still waiting for the additional battery. So there will be some trial flights in the back garden and then the plan is to take it to the allotment to video it from the sky.

Sorting out my seeds and making small zip bag labels for the leftover seeds from the big packs once opened.

I have so many types of Tomato it's crazy, I really went too mad at the Wyevale sale last year. Looking at the list first candidate for the Seed Circle next year is Red Robin. They look as if I could isolate them in the bottom of the Space saver Greenhouse 

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