
Saturday 11 October 2014

Pepper Problems

A trip to the allotment to water the peppers and if by chance they had ripened harvest and what do I find a hole in my pepper - I did find a very small snail in the greenhouse so not sure if he was to blame but he attracted my wrath.

Pulled the staging out and turned it around so that I can put the growhouse in the greenhouse once again to try and increase the amount of time the rest of the peppers have to grow and ripen before the plants die of cold

Cabbages are being attached by slugs despite the blue pellets of death, 4 got harvested and 50% of them got chopped up and went into dalek 2 filled it up again and then dalek 3. topped both of with some comfrey for good measure.

Filled up another 2 plastic milk bottles with sand to make soft bricks. Barry donated 3 cucumbers and is going to sort me out a pumpkin from his patch. 

Update - forgot to mention taking the debris netting down on the gable end to let more light get at the peppers.

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