
Tuesday 9 September 2014

Pickup & Drop Off Area

Popped down to the allotment for an hour lunch time and bumped into the parks and allotment managers and we discussed my proposals which they are happy with as long as it's renamed a community drop off and pick up area and storage for the woodchip and manure and not a car park as that will cause problems on other allotments, but they have no money or inclination to assist.

They are going to deal with the Japanese's Knott Weed by spraying this weekend but that's about it.

They pointed me to the web site where I can apply for a grant up to £500 but the deadline for submissions was today, next one is 14th October so I need to sort out, or just make it happen by talking to the developer next door to see if he can lend us of his digger and driver for an hour and if we can add the debris to his grab lorry when he is clearing his site. 

I managed to cut up a significant amount of the pop bottles and bring home in a sack to put in the recycle rubbish this week and I did water the runner beans that were looking a little sad as we have not had much water, they are still well coved with red flowers and if this Indian summer continues, I'm hoping for some more produce and finally enough beans for the seed circle.

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