
Saturday 20 September 2014

Monday - Friday Minor Updates

Monday 15th September 2014 - No allotment today but pickled my first ever five jars of beetroot - looks like I'm going to need to find more jars looking at what's still on the allotment 

Tuesday 16th September 2014 - Lunch time visit - took compost from home for "Rusty", one of my new dalek's and whilst down there harvest more beetroot to pickle and put the leafs in Rusty also a black bag of shredded paper. Watered and harvested peas for Kelly.

Thursday 18th September 2014 - Break ins on the allotment site

Well I had kind of been expecting something like this to happen as the building work is attracting the wrong kind of people to the area and discover that we are behind a nice high wall.

I went to the allotment today to water the spring onions and the plants in the greenhouse to find that they had tried to get into my shed but I have an internal locking system as well as an external one and they seem to have just moved on to other peoples that are less protected or not locked up at all.

They had however placed pallets up against the wall beside and then on top of my leaf bins to use as ladders to get out. I believe they must have come over from the construction site where the fence is damaged and still awaiting repair by the council.

They appear to have taken some old petrol strimmers from one of the open sheds and for some reason left it next to their exit, or were they expecting to return tonight and use that as a way over the wall and back into the allotment?

One of the other plot holders shed was broken into and he as reported it to the council and they are supposed to be coming tomorrow to visit and look around.  I checked my brother in laws shed and his looked OK as well.

Friday 19th September 2014 - Met PC Plod on the allotment lunch time - did his thing showed he was listening, nodded in all the right places said all the right meaningless words.
The idiots bolt cropped the chain that keeps the padlock attached to the gate but did not damage the padlock of the fitting - we think they just climbed over after the gates did not open after the chain was cut

Who ever did it got that excited when they managed to open a shed that they did a poo on the plot in front of no 3's shed. The plot owner offered to bag it for the police to run DNA, but the copper declined 

I had a real hard time not laughing  at the coppers face who then went to look at footprints in the soil. But no plaster of Paris appeared and apparently the community bobby will be around the area a little more than usual. All in all nothing like David McCallum of the Goth girly of NCIS involved. 

Popped down to Wyevale and picked up 50 Senshyu Yellow Onion Sets to put in over the weekend - I feel the need to have something growing on the allotment over winter.

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