
Saturday 6 September 2014

Mill Green - Drop Off and Pick Up Area

Survey this morning - dropped off at the allotment on the way home and harvested tomatoes from the plants under cover that blight has not hit yet and runner beans. Got talking to the site agent on the development next door and he is up to assist in clearing the dumping ground to create a Drop off and Pick Up area. However also heard from the council who inform me quote: -
Unfortunately Parks do not have the time and resources currently to investigate this project.

They also don't understand that the parking area will be within the two gates as he states
"there is also the issue of not being able to control who parks in the space unless it is fenced or a bollard in place to ensure just allotment holders are parking there."

I've marked up a Google Satellite view to try and explain to them see below they also get a new plot No 15 which at the moment is being used as a dumping ground by people who will not take their rubbish away.

Picked up my two space saving water butts from TESCO and I will drop them off to the allotment in the morning

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