
Saturday 13 September 2014

Dog Sitting Extra Visit

Overcast with the occasional sunny spell, nice and warm nothing like September should be really. Jen is dog sitting for her sister, and thus I've been on the allotment between 10:30 - 3:00 and very busy. I did take time out to visit the cafĂ© for a coffee, lunch time breakfast and use their convenience at about 12:30 before returning to the allotment. 

I managed to:-

  Cut up all the pop bottles and bagged to take home 
  Dismantled the bread tray cage
  Used some of the bags of woodchips to top up the paths down the bottom end of the allotment.
  Washed the slate chippings and topped up around the grapes
  Moved the dustbin water butt down next to the comfrey butt and filled up ready for when the water is turned off
  Cut back marrows and courgettes again, into dalek
  Tops of Carrots into dalek
  Comfrey into dalek
  Bamboo into the grow house
  Made 4 more soft bricks with sand filled plastic milk bottles
  Wet sand into tin trays in the greenhouse to dry out for the next batch of soft bricks, I will need these soon
  to hold down the covers to the beds. 
  Washed off the paving slabs
  Watered the runner beans and beetroot, parsnip, cucumbers and the plants in the greenhouse.

Wasp stung my ear lobe - Doh!

   Runner Beans

I'm now going to leave the majority of the runner beans for the seed circle as I have a draw full of runner beans in the freezer. I've managed to get another two compost bins off freecycle and can pick them up in the morning.

The allotment is looking good and I'm beginning to feel like I'm nearly on top of things (that will not last long but nice whilst I buy into the illusion)

I'm not sure how there can be so much variation in the carrots which all came from the same pack of seeds.

 At the allotment

After washing and sorting by length at home.   

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