
Tuesday 23 September 2014

Another lunch time visit to....

My sister is coming for an evening meal and I'm going to put a goodie package together for her so harvest another cabbage (dispatched more slugs to sluggy heaven) ,more runner beans and more beetroot, but forget to get a marrow and there are at least two I have spotted that are a decent size in the foliage - Doh!.

All the excess foliage got shredded up and Dalek 2 is once again full and Dalek 3 is now getting fed.

I cut the blue water pipe and stuck into bed 3 so that the sun can warm the pipe to shape, I'm going to drill and place one of two horizontal bars to each hoop to form straighter sides and make it a more rounded top A frame shape on a following visit. At the moment I have linked them with string, but solid bar will be better

Sprouts are really small at the moment didn't get time to scatter some blue pellets of death but I will do on a following visit. Cauliflowers are all leaf at the moment and no cauliflowers at all, they were late so I have no idea if I will get something or nothing from them, but they need blue pellets of death. 

Return trip to pick up a marrow on the way back from collecting the wife in the afternoon. 

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