
Sunday 7 September 2014

A Visit to Beryl from the Forum

Up early and over to Kingston to pick up some strawberry runners from that nice Surbie100, who is doing really well getting control over her plot on the hill side.

My Sister rang and ultimately came down to the allotment for her first visit, to chat about some issues she has going on and for some allotment therapy. We harvested the last of the Tomatoes from the shed conservatory which is still just about blight free, Runner Beans and a Cucumber for her to take home.

"Beautiful" my robin came to introduce himself to my sister and flew so close to her that scared the living daylights out of her and made her jump.

It was very sad to see all of the tomato and potatoes on plot 2 black with blight, the plot owner will not be happy when he comes to visit.

Harvested two cucumbers and beetroots for pickling to take home.

Most of the time today has been sorting out the weeds and laying the last few paving slabs on the patio area. One hell of a lot of bine weed has got into the strawberry bed more specifically under the weed membrane, its come through the wall and made its way under and there is a huge network of tendrils that are rooting, so I have started the clearing process and I'm digging out as much of it as I can before putting the new strawberries in that bed.

This is an area that need far more regular attention that I have been historically giving it, and it's making me question the whole weed membrane with strawberries concept.

A fair amount of time was spent topping up the compost bin in which the levels had dropped by about 3 - 4 inches over the last week, which is really good going and I must be doing something right. So topped up again with marrow and courgette, corn and comfrey, all cut up nice and small. Then I added a layer of old compost as brown waste and then more green corn, marrow and courgette, nicely topped up with the contents of todays pee bucket.

Harvested couple of giant courgettes that were donated to John the security site agent next door who supplied some Perspex and blue water pipe to Andy and I as I was leaving to go home at lunch time.

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