
Wednesday 6 August 2014

Tuesday 5th August 2014 - Extended lunch time visit

That *&&*^%$$££"! Fox has been at it again and has dug the soil out from one of the trees I planted on Sunday no doubt it's the fertiliser in the bottom of the bucket he is after. He left paper and someone's sprinkler by the tree as well.

First Job - weed membrane and wash the slate chippings off and cover the soil. I have put in a small coke bottle with the end cut off and I'm using another as a plug so I can water down into the soil and below the slate chippings which hopefully will put Basil off and keep the moisture in the bucket.

Weeded Beds 1 and 2 - discovered lost onions in Bed 2 then planted out two rows of spring onions. slug trap with a 1/3 of a can of beer in (the other 2/3 went into me)

Having a weed free bed really make me feel good.... If anyone had said that to me two years ago I would have said they were mad  :nowink:
 Harvested some carrots whilst weeding under the portable hoop enclosure on Bed 1
Weed free beetroots in Bed 1

Onion Drying Chair

Peppers in the Greenhouse

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