
Sunday 3 August 2014

Sunday 3rd August 2014 -

Up early and on the allotment by 6:40 and worked until 12:45

Our lady gardener on plot 7 was already there as I was a little later than normal, in the morning a few more bodies arrived.

Cleared what was left of the foliage on beds 8, 9 & 10 Potatoes and Beautiful the Robin with his new red breast was all around me looking for grubs as I cleared - he still gets far to close for his own safety. Looking at him there is no way he is going to fit in the houses I bought yesterday.

Planted the cauliflowers in bed 14 and then went about installing the edging, weed membrane and digging the holes for the first two trees and wood chipping the backs of beds 13 & 14 and between 14 & 15A
Keith dropped off the staging for the greenhouse yesterday as he does not need it in his new greenhouse so I have some sorting to do for the moment one is in front of the greenhouse and the other is on bed 7 next to the peas.  I picked up some guttering and plastic soffit boards off freecycle for edging around beds 15A and 15B later this year when I clear the marrow and Courgette plants.

Basil has eaten the bottom of the nice beef steak tomato I was hoping to harvest    >:( :mad: >:(.

Harvested some tomatoes and a whole load of Beans  :)  I love the way they hang off the minty frame and make spotting and picking them easier, I will definitely do that again next year.

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