
Monday 1 September 2014

End August Wyevale Seed Sale

Friday 29th August 2014 - managed to persuade the wife that a trip to Wyevale Garden Centre Purley Way to pick up seeds in the 50p Seed sale, was in order as we were back home  Saturday 30th August 2014 - Trip to Wyevale Garden Centre Lower Morden Lane to pick up seeds in the 50p seed sale - Watering Visit to allotment - picked up flower arrangement for the wife as we were away for our anniversary.  Sunday 31st August 2014 - Up early and down on the allotment for 7am- stayed until 1:00pm

Weeds weeds everywhere  First things pulled all the sweetcorn out of bed 11 and beautiful the robin watched me work and dined on grubs and things exposed as I dug and cleared. - Stacked the corn on the staging and started to cut up for the composting dalek.

Trimmed up the ever growing marrow and courgette and cut up for the dalek, a layer of spent compost , a layer of comfrey, a layer of sweetcorn, harvested the spring onions and ended up with a tug of leafs when you guessed it got added to the compost bin. The Green dalek is once again full to the brim - topped of with a watering and bucket of pee created and saved during the morning to help things along.

Emptied three square flower buckets of new potatoes and planted potatoes in two of them recharging the compost with layers of comfrey. They are seed potatoes that were donated to me.

Cleared bed 11 dug over and covered up with DPM and weed membrane to was off soil

Cleared the spring onions from bed 3

Weeded bed 2
Weeded 1/2 of bed 1 - Beetroots - Need to get into the Carrots and Parsnip
Filling flower buckets with layers of compost, comfrey, soil, comfrey, compost
Found two of Kellys sweet corn when clearing bed 11

Harvested more Marrows, and Runner Beans, Spring Onions, New Potatoes and found some Red onions when clearing bed 3, harvested two cucumbers - about 4 -5 still growing. 

To Do List

Weed the Cabbages in Bed 13
Weed the Carrots and Parsnips in Bed 1
Harvest more runner beans
Harvest potatoes in Bed 9
Harvest potatoes in bed 10
Cut up plastic pop bottles
Plant out last beetroots and spring onions from greenhouse.

View looking and beds 10,11 & 12 with Beds 13, 14 and 15A in the background

As you can see in the background the guy on plot 3 has cut down the weeds and appears to have acquired a pile of pallets.  He has also dug and weeded the corner by the path. So nice to see the high level weeds gone.

It took some time to wash skin and clean up the spring onions, I'm not sure which ones these were but they are funny in that they split in two and crow as two half semi circles when you remove the outer dry skin.

Note to self

Buy better labels that hold what's written on them or write twice once above ground and once below ground level on all labels next year  

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