
Wednesday 27 August 2014

Dad I've Got Your Compost Material !

Dropped off Emma at work and continued on to the allotment, got a telephone call from Emma? It appears she picked up my carrier bag of vegetable matter from the kitchen destined for the compost bin when she picked up the stuff she was taking into work

"No love don't bring it home just put it in a bin" 
So  light rain, water the covered plants and find the two camping fold out chairs to take away with us on our mini break. Harvested a medium sized marrow to find a larger one behind it.

Gave the large one to John the security guard / caretaker of the land they are about to develop and he is the guy that let me have all of the plastic I used to form my beds and longitudinal rails on my hoop tunnels.

Harvested some more beetroot - nice tennis ball size and a cucumber for my sister-in-law

Used the shears to chop up all the vegetable matter that I have added to the top of the compost bin recently

The comfrey is exploding again so I have trimmed it back along the path, chopped it up and added the contents to the compost bin with.

Rob on plot 3 was there in the rain trying to reduce his weeds bless him - he is having a go been there done that bit - really would not want to do that again.

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