
Tuesday 17 June 2014

Monday 16th June 2014 - Too Busy

Too busy with work with a meeting in London this afternoon for the allotment, but I have watered the space saver greenhouse at home. And I've moved the coldframe and its contents from the bottom of the garden to it's home on the new level hard standing up from the space saver.

I've started chitting some peas on kitchen towel, just encase the ones planted do not germinate, and blow me down if I can't see four little seeding's showing in the module tray when I went to clear/ dry off the top of the propagator. So I may have double the peas I thought I was going to have.

Tomatoes trimmed and more supports added the watered, There are still 3 to move up into square flower buckets but it's now 8:45 and getting cold and dark outside and quite frankly I've had enough for a night.

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