
Wednesday 21 May 2014

Tuesday 20th May 2014

"Dad can you drop me off at work please I'm on a late shift" - late Shift means the staff car park at the hospital is full and she will not be able to park. Having watered on Sunday and Monday actually being a decent day, I decided to go and water the greenhouse plants after dropping her off.

The gravel trays make a whole lot of difference to the watering, plus I now take the hose into the greenhouse. All the Runner Beans are now standing tall and will need to go in this weekend for sure. my largest pepper has sun stoke and rolled up and died because it was not in a gravel tray with water drat lesson learnt.

I actually managed to hoe Bed 1 and remove more volunteer potatoes from last year - I am definitely growing in the ground in sacks, or buckets or flower buckets next year so I don't get this problem again. Too late for next year, I may have to double dig and sieve this years potatoes beds and I might empty the compost bins into the excavations before I refill them.

nearly all of the onions are now showing, looked for my phone to take a picture, Doh! left the mobile at home. So round trip including a quick dig weed and tidy and hour. I must try and get more time on the allotment but work is manic at the moment.

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