
Monday 12 May 2014

Sunday 11th May 2014

Early morning visit to the allotment to water as I have not been for 3 days, and actually using the gravel trays everything is doing really well, in fact too well.

Potatoes are now 50mm above the high shelf and, the decisions had to be made to move them outside especially as some of the tomatoes are now so tall they are touching the shelf above. The orange peppers are also growing like mad and and I have potted on 12 of the strongest. It will not be long and I will have to do the same with the red peppers. I will not take that many on and I'm sure I will find homes for the extras with my neighbours.

So the greenhouse has had a jolly good sort out this morning, and everything is watered and good for a few days before I have to return. Keith is getting another shed delivered Wednesday but he can't get away during the start of the provided delivery time, so I know when my next watering session is going to be and I'm covering it for him until he arrives. 

Home about 9:15 and cut the timber joist salvaged from my sisters car port I demolished with her a little while ago. four lengths cut to size and the ends painted with red cedar wood preservative ready to create a frame to provide some holding down weight to help resist the wind loads and overturning. After Sunday lunch a drive out to get some more wood preservative and they have now all had one coat of paint. The sun has come out and I'm leaving them to dry and if the rain holds off they may get a second coat.

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