
Tuesday 6 May 2014

Monday 5th May 2014

Emma was not too well today so it was a takeaway lunch and a family movie. So apart from lunch and the movie it's been all about the back garden today.

Having completed the fencing on Saturday last night I cleared the cold frame and re-located it at the bottom of the path and had a good clear out of the rubbish and sacks of sand and soil, so I could get a flying start today.

Lifted the slab and used the concrete kerbs saved from the front garden to build two steps on the paved area to the right of the path as you look up the garden. The fist level will be for the cold frame, the second for my space saving greenhouse.

Ran out of sand and could not lay the last 3 paving slabs, and there will have to be a visit to the dump tomorrow to get rid of the debris and rubbish I have cleared. There are also some sacks of old compost that can go to the allotment.

There also need to be a trip to Been and Queued to get some sand and some instant concrete.

I will jet wash the slabs and the green off the fence panel and the side of the plastic store. The fence panels will get a lick of paint and then the cold frame can go back and I will have the joy of putting together the space saver greenhouse which by accounts is not easy.

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