
Wednesday 9 April 2014

Wednesday 9th April 2014

A watering visit in the evening, I tend to fill a seed tray with comfrey tea water and place the seed trays with the vending machine cups in the tray to soak up the water. So whist each tray has it’s turn I potter about.

I pulled back the plastic and shovelled up some woodchips to replenish some of the paths and bagged up a couple of sacks for the future paths and managed to take a pick axe to half of bed 11 breaking up the concrete like soil ready for digging with a fork and weeding. It has to be said there are lots of weed roots but are they dead or just dormant waiting for light and water? Better safe than sorry they will be weeded out come the real dig with a fork. Only an hours work, but every hour counts as everything including the weeds are growing.

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