
Friday 11 April 2014

Friday 11th April 2014

Typed up the labels for all the opened seed packets that are now in the little hobby bags this morning.

On the basis that I'm starting early and working later, and that I have a late schedule of conditions tonight, and I didn't get down there yesterday, and I was half way there as I dropped the wife at her sisters this morning, I decided to pop down to the allotment and check on the plants in the greenhouse. So another watering spree and a couple of the 100s and 100s are moving on from the two seedling leafs and getting their real leafs. Itching to get to the stage when I move them on to vending machine cups, then 3" pots and finally B&Q and Flower Buckets

I topped up a couple of the flower buckets because the potatoes are now standing tall and about 150mm above the rims. A pick axe attack of the other half of bed 11, Bagged up some more woodchip and moved the plastic back off bed 11 so the elements can help break down the clumps of soil I now need to weed and dig with a fork.

Bed 1 got weeded and the volunteer potatoes from last year have been transplanted into two large tubs that are along the edge of the plot next to the access path. Waste not want not and it will be interesting to see if they amount to anything.

I managed to sow two rows of parsnips with radish in-between as a marker and an early crop and thee rows of carrots on a tape that should have gone in last year so I'm just hoping they germinate and come up. The drills and seeds were covered with verve compost and a plastic weed membrane peg placed at the ends of each row so I know where they should come up.

I covered the half planted bed with the portable 1.2m square 3 hoop netted frame. I'm really going to have to get some timber and knock up some more hoop frames to protect the crops from Basil and his mates.

Yes Basil has visited and has been digging the paths up again

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