
Sunday 2 March 2014

Sunday 2nd March 2014

Woke up expecting to see dry and it had been and was raining despite the BBC forecast of Sunny Intervals. I left home about 7:30 and it was lightly spitting with rain until I got to the last road near the allotment.

Basil Brush has paid me a visit getting inside the pop bottle cloche and digging holes, and digging up the woodchip paths. He then he had the cheek to walk to the bottom of the plot and stand there watching me.

After a few choice words from me to him questioning if he had a father and involving his death by hanging from his family jewels from the nearest tree, he ran off .

I managed to get three sides of the greenhouse erected then got a phone call from Keith asking if I was over the allotment and did I need some help. About quarter of an hour later Keith arrived to help me complete the tricky bit, the side with the entrance. Pauline was directed to make Tea and Coffee and come back a little later with drinks and sat and watched as Keith and I completed the jigsaw.

Keith and Pauline then went to get on with clearing the new area of their own plot and I went about clearing the weeds from bed 6 and then treading it flat ready for weed membrane. I was called over for a second cup of coffee and inspected their progress. Keith later assisted me in carrying the greenhouse over from the patio and onto bed 6 the right way around.

Another call and a third cup of coffee.  I just had enough time to de-nail the timber and remove the additional batten and polycarbonate track. I've stacked the timber on the frame to hold it down for the moment. 

So as soon as it's dry I need to cut two 1.2m lengths of timber and paint them all with wood preservative and create a base that will provide some weight but also lift the greenhouse enough so that I can walk in without cracking by head open every time I do. Once the frame is screwed down to the timber base I will be happy to clad it and then get the staging erected inside.


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