
Sunday 16 March 2014

Sunday 16th March - In Go Some of the Potatoes

What a lovely day - up at 6:00 and over the allotment at 7:00 - dew in the grass and the greenhouse vent nicely closed. I had great aspirations for the day morning and as usual it always possible to get twice as much done in your head.

Beds 7 8 & 9 in the photos below, got their new plastic edging, bed 6 & 8 were weeded, I could not believe that I got a tug of weeds out of bed 7, Spring is certainly bring them on. As can be seen in the photo bed 7 was covered in cardboard and was weed less but the worms have not done a great job of taking the farmyard manure into the ground. All Three beds got the same dressing at the same time.

So weed membrane placed and held down with plastic cladding timber and soft bricks, 75mm hole were drilled and the bottoms lined with some verve compost.

Only one coffee with Keith and Pauline during the day as I found a couple of cool cans of bitter that really should be used in slug traps but it was sunny and warm so Keith and I polished them off. It was nice to see so many people down there working away and even better that the wind blew the smoke from three fires away from me 

The excess of bluebells from home were planted in the comfrey patch and I shared what I didn't use with Michelle and the nice lady on plot 7 

By 1:00 I had managed to put in some earlies in flower buckets in the greenhouse and beds 6 & 7 were planted, and then a dash home for a really nice roast dinner cooked by Kelly & Jen (Emma's away this weekend). After dinner I cut the grass in the back garden and started getting ready for patch repairs. 

Jen suggested I go back to the allotment to complete the sowing of bed 8 thus reducing the quantity of chitting potatoes in her kitchen - So I returned with a sack of grass for the compost heap for another hour and half which saw the last of the King Edwards into bed 9 and eight number 9 Swift potatoes into Flower Buckets in the Greenhouse hoping to encourage even faster early potatoes.

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