
Saturday 22 March 2014

Saturday 22nd March 2014

Swift visit to the to drop off the tomatoes and some spring onions to the greenhouse and to water what's in there. Keith and Pauline on the site and they called over did I want a coffee as soon as they saw me. Well it would be rude to refuse. a few of my Beetroots are just poking their heads above the compost which made me smile and very happy there is that nice warm feeling in side when your babies appear.

About 50mm of water in the rectangular flower pots I use to catch water off the shed until I get around to sorting out and fixing the guttering. One side went into the blue water butt and the other into the black one connected to one side of the greenhouse. A few inches of water in the watering can connected to the guttering on the other side.

Covered the last potato plot that need to be dug as there is rain forecast for this afternoon and I want to be able to dig it tomorrow morning hoping to hit the allotment at daylight and if I have a night like last night that will not be a problem.

Now home and potting up more stuff some to take with me tomorrow for the greenhouse on the allotment and some to stay in the cold frame here at home until I get the space saver greenhouse erected.

1/2 tray 15 cell module of Limnanthes Poached Egg plants to attract the ladybirds to eat the aphids
( Surbie100 sent me a few seeds last year and it worked so I bought a pack this year 99p for 35 seeds )

1/2 tray 15 cell module of April (spring) cabbage on seed per module 8 to grow on large
                                                                                              and 7 as spring greens

1/2 tray 15 cell module consisting of 11 x Crispus Brussels Sprouts (Unwins)
                        only supposed to be 10 seeds in the pack for £2.99 but got in the 50p sale
                                                        4 x Attwood Brussel Sprouts (Jamie Oliver) from last year

1/2 tray 15 cell module of Giant Pascal Celery (Suttons) 1750 seed £1.49 but got in the 50p sale.

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