
Monday 24 March 2014

Monday 24th March 2014

An eventful afternoon, the plan was pick up my blood pressure tablets and then pop to the allotment. I was in the process of picking up my tablets when a telephone call informed me that my eldest daughter Emma was in A&E as she had fallen over and broken something.

One Hospital Visit and hunt for the New A&E Department - why move the bleeding thing when I have been visiting since I was a boy God Only Knows - but got to her just as they were injecting to numb so they could re-set after gas and air didn't work because of too much pain.  

One X-Ray later and it was a dislocated little finger and not broken like it looked, and the one next to it is being used as a splint for the next two weeks until she has her appointment with the break recovery team. Bless her she was so brave.

So a quick visit to cover the potatoes with some fleece as last night was extremely cold and frost on the cars again this morning. Photo above is bed 9 undressed with it's fleece undergarment.

All the potato beds are now lined with fleece and re-covered with anti Basil Brush stuff

A nice lady gardener has told me grated smelly soap from the £1 shop works a treat at keeping Basil Brush away but you have to re-apply after rain, I must try that.

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