
Friday 7 March 2014

Friday 7th March 2014

I had to go pass the allotment twice today but I didn't have time to stop as I have work to get done, the client need the report quickly so that the house purchase is not delayed.

Returned home to write up the report and joy or joys the missing bolts and the additional fixings I ordered for the greenhouse have arrived .....Yipppppeee, then I get an email to tell me that the automatic vent has been shipped - I like it when a plan comes together, and the sun has been shining all afternoon.

Went to the post office at the co-op this afternoon and picked up some more flower buckets they were throwing away.  last night I ordered some solar powered fans that I will trial in the allotment greenhouse when they arrive.

So if the weather stays with me, I may have a clad greenhouse on the allotment this Sunday ready for sowing action. I can see some very early early potatoes on the horizon grown in flower buckets.

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