
Monday 10 February 2014

9th February 2014

Read the riot act this morning by the better half on how stupid I would be to go down there and work with the cough and cold that I have been trying to shake for the last 10 day etc. Especially as I've been able to sleep properly for at least a week.

Negotiated a quick visit to the allotment with the Triffid I mean wife to take a few items down there, a dog cage donated by the sister in law - I can use it for a number of things and yet another bag of pop bottles, had a little tidy up and retuned my brother-in-laws pick axe to behind his shed as he will been it to form his additional beds this year. I must admit it's been driving me mad that I have not been able to get down there and make progress.

I picked up the two triangular ends that I made up last week and lent them against each other, and now I'm thinking of making 4ft or 1.2m pop bottle pyramids - less timber and pop bottles - looks like I shall need some more gravel boards and 2x1 roof batten

I did manage to pop out into the back garden and silicon up the interface of the concrete slab and the wall to the brick store where driving rail appears to be getting in despite the overhang and drip, but it has been bitter cold and very windy on and off all day.

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