
Sunday 3 November 2013

Sunday 3rd November 2013

Up early and on the plot at just past 7:00 -worked until 1:00 Andy. Michelle and Lee on the allotment as I left for home and Sunday lunch.
  •   Tidy the racking and storage area
  •   Weeded bed 2 and harvested the spring onions   
  •   Planted out the over winter spring onions from the cold frame in Bed 2 and watered with comfrey tea
  •   Took the over winter cabbage from the cold frame but didn't get to plant it
  •   Harvested the peppers and the last of the toms
  •   Constructed the third plastic bottle 1.2 x 1.2 m frame
  •   Stacked all the pop bottles ready for frame 4
  •   Filled up the comfrey water barrel with extract from the comfrey pipe.
  •   Sorted out the shed
  •   General tidy of rubbish and retrieve the lids to the incinerator and the green dalek

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