
Sunday 1 September 2013

Sunday 1st September 2013

As usual up and out early, I stopped off to pick up dalek from my sisters but it was too big to go in the back of my Vauxhall Corsa! - Got to the allotment about 7:00 and worked until about 1:20 ish

* Finished Laying the central path using the 600x600mm paving slabs.
* Weeded the runner beans
* harvested four sweet corn for the family to try
* Weeded Bed 3 and dug some main crop potatoes - better yield that the 1st and 2nd earlys

Dug over and weeded the area at the end of the plot by bed 1 and laid the paving slabs - 6 out of the 8 levelled.

Jeremy and his better half came to look at plot 3 on the allotment, gave them the 2bob tour and showed them the weeds, and let them know how much work there is in keeping ahead of the weeds, they are going to think about it.

Jen and I went back later in her car to pick up the dalek and drop it off (so that's three I now have and that should be plenty) and to water and put some blue pellets of death in where something has been having a go at the cabbages.

Note to self - Don't bother growing runner beans at home next year


  1. Hello Alan, thank you very much for showing us the plot last Sunday. It is a bigger commitment than we initially anticipated. With the young baby, it may be a bit too difficult at the moment. However, we are up for challenge and I am sure when we do start doing it in the future, the rewards would be very satisfying.. May I say that your allotment looks absolutely amazing. I am really impressed by how you managed to turn "rubbish" into beautiful gardening tools. We will visit your blog for more tips and ideas :)

  2. No problem - Glad to hear that you are going for it.... I find slipping out early Sunday first thing when the wife and kids are asleep and getting in a full morning really helps keep on top of things.
