
Wednesday 31 July 2013

Wednesday 31st July 2013

 A short evening visit to take more bird and I'm hoping fox scarers down to the plot - they have been at it again digging holes and crapping everywhere (the foxes that is, not the birds  ::) ).

I found a short length of clear plastic pipe from a broken water feature and have fitted and glued it to the end cap to my comfrey pipe and I also added a sink strainer and mesh from a 99p shop strainer to the inside to filter out the comfrey from the liquid.

I've marked out the wall where the brackets will go to fix the pipe to the wall, and have filled a pop bottle with sand, made a hole on the lid and fitted some rope thru the cap ready to use as a compressive weight. However I forgot to take home the good portable drill from work so could not complete the job.

Whilst I was doing this Jen was watering the toms in the grow houses and whilst she was at it she gave the newly planted broccoli a drink, I'm not sure if it's too late for them to mature, but they were sitting there in the cold frame and they may as well take their chance in the ground, I suppose I could check the back of the seed packet or my book to see, but why spoil the surprise

I really must thin out the beetroots, carrots and radish over the weekend as at the moment they have no room to breath let alone grow into anything significant. It has to be said that if I am away from the allotment for more than a couple of days I really don't like it - I fear that I am now an allotment-holic  is there any cure?

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