
Monday 15 July 2013

Monday 15th July 2013

Didn't get to the allotment at all as we had a minor leak on the boiler and had to wait for the boiler man to come and fix it.

Tuesday 16th - morning and evening visit to water as it has been so hot and the toms at home were looking sad

Wednesday 17th - No lunch time visit as they have the road from work to the allotment closed for resurfacing, but I did get an ARGOS sale flyer in the morning and reserved the last cold frame in store reduced to £12.99 and parked in ASDA's car park lunch time.

I then went into ASDA to buy something over a £5 to get my £2 parking fee back and they a flogging off 4 tier greenhouses at a £5 each - Can't even get the staging for that so I bought 3 of them, I was well and truly happy  :D

Evening visit with Jen, Emma came with Andy as he has never seen, and only heard about Dads playground. He watered for me whilst I dug up half a bed of first earlys' with Emma, we had finished off those I dug up over the weekend tonight for dinner. I then weeded bed 7 and potted up three tomatoes from home into one of the giant tugs.

As we keep getting visitors looks like I will have to put the bench together so we can sit four which was the intention because Keith and Pauline (brother and sister in law) are on the same site. 

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