
Sunday 7 July 2013

Allotment catch up Tuesday - Friday The odd evening visit to water.

Saturday all day working on the front garden in readiness for the impending driveway works - Cut the privet hedge up and shredded it - Sid next door had the shredding's apart for a couple of bags for the compost heap.

The hedge that isn't mine but I have to cut to allow access to the car was cut on the side and top and I ended up with 3 large council plastic bags of cuttings that were sucked up the lawn mower to make it more compost bin friendly. So in the evening over to water and I filled the plastic compost  bin to the top with alternate brown, green, comfrey paper up to the top. The fox had tried to make his way into both ends of the hoops and debris netting on Bed 7 and had bent a corn over in the process. I need to find some way of keeping the * away from my stuff, If you have any ideas let me know.

Sunday - Over the allotment between 7 - 10:30 so that I could dig in the shade for as long as possible and bed 8 is there, no edging or path but it's there! - Photo is how I left it in the morning. Popped over to the garden centre to pick up 5 x 56ltr bags of compost for £16 same stuff that was £20 for 6 a little while ago.

Jen and I returned in the evening and I trod the paths down around Bad 8, whilst Jen did some watering.

The potato's are starting to look a little battered and sad, and the foliage is drooping and filling in the paths a little, does not help that the Fox has decided to have a dig. Radish showed a couple of days ago and the two rows of beetroots can now be seen - no sign of the carrots yet.


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