
Monday 3 June 2013

First weekend of June

First weekend of June - and I should be doing much more down the allotment - but Mums house is finally sold and we are hoping to exchange before the 7th June, so it's been a last push to get Dad workshop cleared and the house finally empty. We moved in when I was 7 and I can recall it being empty when we moved in - it's strange seeing it empty again and just a little heart breaking, but it has to be done, it's 10 months since Mum passed on.

We popped down to the allotment to water and whilst that was happening I fixed up the second garden chair and found that the bolts for the table seem to have disappeared somewhere so I will have to go and pick up some more.

Sunday morning dropped off the last of the cardboard boxed, and lots of metal for the guys from Mencap who take it to the scrap merchant to assist in the funding of their allotment project, I would rather they benefit than just take it to the tip.

The January Gem cabbages have all died, where as the other type seen to be holding their own. read in the Metro on Friday that this Spring is on track to be the coldest for more than half a century, provisional Met Office figures suggest.

I'm wondering how big the comfrey needs to be before I can start to harvest?, but also looking at all those nettles on the way into the allotment and thinking of making some nettle tea up.

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