
Monday 25 February 2013

It's been a busy weekend gardening wise......

Saturday 23rd - Spent most of the day clearing up the back garden around the back and the right hand side, there is lots to do, and I would rather be down the allotment, but Mrs Cadalot has made comments about my neglect of the garden so .....On the plus side, I'm planting seed about the coldframe staying here... just when she thought she was getting rid of the veg patch

In the evening, burnt off the handles and drilled out the rivets on the hinges of the second window and finished drilling the holes on the ends to go behind the vents.

Its not fixed together yet at the corners, I'm going to do that once I have sorted out the last window and it's at its final home (where ever that may be)
Sunday 24th  - Up with the sun and down on the plot early - I moved the remains of the wood chip to my plot and made a pathway from the first gates past the second gates and into the allotment - Right near the end after about and hour and a half, John arrived and asked if I would like a hand and trotted off to get his wheel barrow and shovel - and we finished off in about 20 minutes.
Picture looking into the allotment from the first gate.

I'm going to arrange another drop off wood chippings for John and Michelle (who turned up to feed her chickens) whilst we were making the path.
View looking at the entrance from within the allotment.

Also cut back all the grow that shuts the gate when you are trying to get stuff in and out of the site

I then cleaned out the shed and sorted out all the bits and bobs that I have been dumping in there - including the latest bag of stuff picked up from ASDA more galvanised wire rolls at a £1 each, netting pags etc. you get the general idea.

Then I started to dig into the mound of earth beside the shed to find out it was on the carpet laid by the previous plot owner - So out came my old Dads sieve and it did not take long to remove and I ended up a bucked to weed, a couple of wheel barrows full of nice fine soil and the lumpy stoney stuff I used to fill in the dips in the path leading to my plot.
I then laid the paving slabs where the mound use to be ...... then a text message arrived that warned me that it was time to head home for Sunday lunch. I came away with a couple of bags of rubbish and weeds
Popped back after lunch to retrieve the last window for the coldframe so that I can remove the handles and hinges, came away with a tug full of glass for the recycle bin, and also finally managed to stack all of the cut down pots and start to tidy the area in the corner behind the shed - Oh and laid a couple of more paving slabs in that area that I discovered when clearing the plot.

Home to install my new PC that I picked up Saturday morning (I can't believe I've been gardening when my new toy has been sitting there for two days in it's cardboard box) - I must have the gardening bug.

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