
Monday 24 April 2023

Sowing More Parsnips & Fleece

The weather forecast is that there is a real possibility of frost and although the potting shed is warmer than the outside temperature on a sunny day I was not taking any risks as I now have so many seed sown and seedlings showing.

The fleece covering the top of the staging's along the windowed walls. 

The fleece covering the top of the staging's along the windowed walls. 

More germinated parsnip seeds transplanted into the toilet roll cardboard tubes  

Parsnip seedlings & transplanted germinated seed about to be planted into the toilet roll cardboard tubes

Parsnip seedlings & transplanted germinated seed about to be planted into the toilet roll cardboard tubes

To keep track of what's happening or being stored in the Daleks and having picked some nice light grey paving blocks that I use to weigh down the lids which have been known to fly like freebies, and painted a description on the block.  

Basically where I store shredded paper and cut up cardboard for adding to the Daleks when making compost. 

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