
Monday 23 January 2023

The Love Of My LIfe!


I've lost the love of my life......

We found each other on the CB (Citizens Band) Radio in the late 80's as Lancelot & Miss Softy, and married in the early 90's, Despite her body not even liking itself she managed to carry Emma & Kelly full term, but Holly didn't quite make it to her first Christmas.  

There are many words to describe my wife and most of them were height related, she was Short, Cute & Dinky and Hobbit like. I told her that Harry Potter had Dobbie the house elf, and that I had "Gobby" the house elf!, she would just smile and roll her eyes up.  

Jen would remind me that good things came in small packages and then I would remind her that so did poison! We did laugh a lot, and it was humour that got us through our married life's journey.

She told me on the CB before I physically met her, that she once had a black white and red cat, I said "Red"? and she said "Yes, well he was when he got run over!"  

One thing she did have was a huge heart, and I was so very lucky that she gave it all too me!  I would tell her on a daily basis " I love You" She would reply "I Love You Too" I would reply "I Love You More", Then she would say "I Don't Think So", I would reply "I Know So" and finally she would reply "OK Then!" 

It was as if together we made a whole, we fitted each other like a very simple two piece jigsaw, which would have been ideal for Jen because quite frankly she didn't have the stamina for finishing Jigsaws despite trying, she eventually gave up on them. 

I would tell Jen that she was my favourite wife, so far, this life... well I couldn't have her taking anything for granted now could I?  

She knew that she would be the only wife, this lifetime, If I searched the whole planet, I would never find anyone who would love me, as much and the way she did, and that I could love as much as I loved her. I was blessed and I know it!

Loosing Jen hurts so bad, if you love that hard, you know you are going to hurt that hard when something happens to them. I learnt that when I lost my Mum and Dad, and it has broken my heart watching my girls go through, what I have already been through twice in my life with people I've loved so much, and now with the love of my life.

Jen is now with her Mum, Dad, Brother and our daughter Holly, and I will not feel whole again until I am reunited with her when it is my time to join her once more, which (forgive me darling, but) I hope is a really long time, as I'm hoping to be a whole lot older and perhaps even a grandad one day, before I leave our children here and join you and Holly.

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