
Monday 16 January 2023

Normal Service will be resumed shortly

Normal Service on this blog/ journal will be resumed shortly .. I hope 

During December I saw the worse service from a GP Practice and the NHS for house bound patients first hand. Since my wife collapsed and was taken to St Georges Hospital I have see the best of the NHS and the pressure doctors and nurses are working under. 

3 days in A&E as they didn't have a bed on a ward with the skills to look after her and they could not find room in intensive care. 

Once I hopefully get my wife back and she is hopefully fixed and better than she went in, I will be able to visit the allotment and de-stress like hell. 

I fully support the nurses strike, however I have seen the stress these people are working with already before they strike. All the staff at St Georges have been so professional, caring and kind.  

This government is working to cripple the NHS and are privatising it by the back door in stages. They want it broken, so they can sell it off and make them and their mates shed loads of money and possibly adopt a more American type system that if you have not got the money or insurance you will not get the level of care that every human should regardless class or wealth. 

Those members of parliament who gave themselves an 11% pay rise when they only gave the nurses 1% after the pandemic should all be kicked out of office IMHO.

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