
Sunday 1 January 2023

Missing Window!

What with the weather, and then my wifes Lupus flair up, that has not been much time in December to visit the allotment and get things done. All my gardening efforts have gone into cataloging and getting seeds arranged for 2023 and planning what I'm going to grow and where and when I will be sowing & transplanting. Last visit I noticed the automatic vent on the Plot 1 greenhouse was not working, it should not be fully open when it was below zero degrees C. I removed the opener and closed the window placing a broom over it to keep it closed.

I appears that didn't work and on visiting mid day today I found the opening vent had snapped and blown away. It was later found half way up Plot 1A.

The top of the frame is still there and the bolts are still in but the other 3 sides of the framework and the panel has been blown off !

Photo taken to remind me what I'm playing with and what I have to fix the replacement dormer into. Dimensions taken, a sheet of plastic Twinwall brought home and this afternoon the parts for a Dormer to replace with twin fans started to get fabricated. Now I need to find my Ryobi Glue Gun which is on one of my sheds but which one and where is the question?

Temporary Heath Robinson fix to cover the hole in the roof and keep the water out as much as possible.  Temporary fencing rebar hooked over the apex and clamped to the gutter and the broom that didn't hold the window vent in place over December during the winds! Some Clips on the side for good measure.

Ice weighs a lot more than water and it would appear the blow away greenhouse frame could not continue to carry the load over December when everything iced up. I will need to find or build something much stronger to replace it.

This is the corner that needs digging over weeding and the greenhouse climbing frame erecting before the end of March/ April. The Rhubarb has withered and died off due to the icy weather minus temperatures, snow and frost.

View from the main path up the main path of plot 1 which becomes the secondary path on Plot 1A. The Third SFG Bed and Super Dome bed needs to be weeded and installed and the Hawthorn cut back and removed from the corner of the plot this year.

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