
Sunday 18 December 2022

Saturday Afternoon Visit

I made a visit to the allotment yesterday late afternoon to drop off some composting materials and to see how much had changed since Sandra sent the photographs of the plot after the snow on the 12th December. The photo didn't get all my plot there is a row of beds and the shed and greenhouse to plot 1A is missing.

There is a single set of tracks down the path and across the first uncovered bed in the photo

On the visit 5 days later something or things have been walking up and down the paths

More Footprints in the snow

Square Foot Gardening Bed 1 on the 12th December

Square Foot Gardening Bed 1 - The Winter Lettuce appears to have been protected by the layer of snow on the debris netting.

The last of the Celery in SFG Bed 2 did not survive the snow and frosts

View from Plot 1A looking down at Plot 1

View from Plot 1 looking up at plot 1A

Comfrey Bed with Daffs and bluebells starting to show

View from the comfrey bed down the two plots

Grapevines have no leaves left on them and Brassica beds need clearing and covering up.

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