
Sunday 11 December 2022

No Sunday Plot Visit


There will be no allotment site visit today because Emma & Andy are visiting her father-in-law for a Post Christmas catch up, and with minus overnight temperatures for 3 days and 2 days the car and the roofs, grass and pavements and minor roads are covered in frost and ice and the fog is once again coming in. 

Finally after many days of no post due to the postal strike at all, the seeds that were ordered on the 27th November and dispatched nearly two weeks ago finally turned up yesterday afternoon. 

I love the size and simplicity of the packaging from Seeds to Suit, see their business card for scale. These have now been added to my two seed boxes and have also been added to the catalogue for 2023. 

An extract from the Seeds To Suit Newsletter for December below:-

Seeds To Suit



Hello December!

The good news is that the shortest day is nearly upon us which in turn heralds the start of longer days. Hurrah!

In the meantime it is time to get ahead of the crowds and place your orders for your spring sowings. As a special holiday treat we have created a discount code of BAUBLE10. Even if you have already used your DISCOUNT10 code for your first order you can use this one up to 23:59pm 31.12.2022 to get a further 10%OFF - just enter the code.

You can use this code as many times as you like up until the expiry date and it is open to the public so tell your friends too!

Below you can see the exciting new products that we have added, there are some beauties for sure.

If you are looking for a last minute stocking filler that can't be held up by the dratted postal strikes that are currently the bane of all our lives then why not consider an Electronic Gift Card, denominations from £5 to £20, so something to fit all pockets.

Sal has come up with some glorious veg dishes to grace your festive table and the subject of The Herb Garden is Catmint - who knew it had so many uses?

Our friend Alan from has come up with a great, self-watering, homemade propagator. Have a read here Making Self Watering Pop Bottle Propagators

Please email if you would like to make a contribution to this Newsletter. Come to the party and be part of our community, lots of newbies will be grateful for snippets of your knowledge.

Whether you partake in "Christmas" or just enjoy the holidays, we at Seeds To Suit wish you health, peace, happiness and a long and successful growing season!

2022 it's a wrap! 2023 Let's be having you!









Cerinthe Major - seen in a friends garden and we just had to stock it!

Buy Me!



Chicory Di Bruxelles, also known as French Endive. Exquisite all year round harvesting!

Buy Me!



Gazania Sunshine Hybrid Mix - yearning for the heat of summer? Huge daisy like flowers in the hottest of colours!

Buy Me!



Radish Winter Watermelon Red Meat - another one to extend your harvest to nearly all year!

Buy Me!



Samphire - bang on trend and delicous with all things of the sea! An all year round harvest for your own fine dining!

Buy Me!


I love the look of the Winter Watermelon Red Meat radish white on the outside and red on the inside and I'm going to have to take a closer look into Chicory Di Bruzelles and Samphire. 

The Newsletter also contains a recipe for Whole Roasted Christmas Cauliflower in the Sal's Kitchen section and In The Herb Garden there is information about Catmint.

It's well worth visiting the Seeds To Suite web site and subscribing to their Newsletter, it only comes once a month and is a good read and lets you know what's New and what's on offer or sale.   

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