
Saturday 12 November 2022

Winter Blankets


Finally, some dry weather and the opportunity to create some Winter Blankets for the beds. I had enough weed membrane left on the roll to rough cut 3 number 2.5m lengths of weed membrane. I only managed to get two processed in the afternoon until it was getting a little too dark to start on the third length of roll. 

Photo above taken last month. I have two green manure beds, where it's time to do a chop and drop and then cover to get the worms to take the decaying matter into the ground ready for next growing season. 

The roll is 2m wide and being at the end of a huge roll of weed membrane there are folds in the rolling and the edges of some of the roll is not so good, So I have taken 600mm off one side of the roll and 200mm off the other side leaving 1.2m width. 

I then cut and trim one 1.2m wide end, measure 2.4m and cut the other end. The soldering iron makes a great job of burning/ melting/ cutting and sealing the woven material such that it does not want the fray and start coming apart. 

The 600mm widths are ideal for under woodchip paths. I've ended up with two 1.2m x 2.4m bed size winter blankets, two 600mm x 2.4m winter blankets, and two number 200mm wide 2.4m lengths of weed membrane.

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